Patoka Lake Stars At The Beach - July 10, 2010
Photos by Mike Borman
Solar observing at the Patoka Lake Visitor's Center.
Mike Borman's Televue 102iis refractor with Coronado SM90 h-alpha filter, on a Celestron CGEM mount.
Image of Sunspot 1087 taken through Mike Borman's solar scope at the Patoka Lake Visitor's Center.
Mitch preps his 20" Obsession for a night of observing.
Tony Bryan and his 15" Obsession.
Mike Borman and his 18" Obsession.
David Kube and his Meade LXD75.
Mitch Luman and his 20" Obsession Dob.
Lot's of scopes waiting for darkness to fall.
Lot's of scopes waiting for darkness to fall.
Lot's of scopes waiting for darkness to fall.
Waiting for the Sun to set.
Scott Conner collimates his 18" Obsession with a little help from his friends.
Sunset over Patoka Lake.
Waiting for the Sun to set.
Waiting for the Sun to set.
Photos by David Kube